API Reference

Where To Start

The Capmo API facilitates direct, programmatic interaction with our construction management platform, offering a suite of RESTful endpoints for efficient data management and retrieval, including project information, schedules, and tasks. Authentication is straightforward, utilising an API Key provided within the Authorization header of each request, ensuring secure and simple access.

All data exchanges, including requests and responses, are formatted in JSON for ease of use and compatibility. This API is tailor-made for developers aiming to automate construction workflows, integrate third-party systems, or construct innovative applications leveraging Capmo's capabilities.

For comprehensive details, including how to obtain and use your API Key, descriptions of available endpoints, required parameters, and examples of standard requests and responses, refer to our complete documentation.


To authenticate with the Capmo API, you will need to include your API key in the request headers as follows.

Authorization: Capmo YOUR_API_KEY

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key generated from your personal account setting's page.

Observation: The prefix Capmo helps to identify the token type, as it tells our system that the string that follows it is a Capmo API key and not e.g., a Bearer Token.

Base URL

The base URL for all API requests is the following.



You can explore the available endpoints specific to your organisation's needs by referring to the API documentation for further details.

Success Response Format

  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
    "id": "5e6da9a0-3a89-4ffd-85ee-ab0167a878f8",
    "...": " ..."

Error Response Format

  "type": "https://capmoapi.readme.io/reference/errors#error-code",
  "message": "An error occurred",
  "errors": [
      "code": "ERROR_CODE",
      "message": "The error description"

Error Handling

In case of errors, the API will return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in the response body.

Rate Limiting

Please note that the Capmo API may have rate limiting policies in place to ensure fair usage. Rate limiting is set at 60 requests per minute on all resources. When a "too many requests" or rate-limiting error occurs, the frequency of requests needs to be reduced. When a rate limit error is hit, the x-rate-limit-reset: HTTP header can be used to know when the rate-limiting will reset.


We have an example repository with a working example in TypeScript that can be used as a reference or starting point.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Capmo's support team at [email protected].